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Evgeni Velikov
Activé 16/01/2022 21:25

Hi You can update the software from Help section, from the web app of the controller

  • Marqué

I can't, I can only connect using wi-fi direct connection and when I check for updates it says up to date, how do I manually update it if I can't connect the box to the internet?

Ivanovich le 16/01/2022 21:26

Hi Ivanovich. Tomorrow morning I will send You a link and instruction how to make it, by email In newer versions will be possible directly from web interface.

G-Systems Engineering Ltd., Evgeni Velikov le 17/01/2022 09:29

Activé 30/01/2022 18:00

Upgraded, still same issue with time\date, same error. Tried to connect via wi-fi using Guest network with WEP\WPAWPA2 protocols and it only connects to internet if I create a network without a password. But even with the internet connection it can read the time but can't save it for some reason(I am using batteries inside SGC).

Having issues in setting up some controls. 

Sealed room, inside that room is the 3*3*2.2 tent. A\C used both for heating during cold nights and cooling during day cycle. Exhaust fan used to cool the room down, intake fan used as a humidifier(has a pump that circulates water over cardboard side cells and moistens the intake air raising humidity.

4*600W MG lights during veg

4*600W LEDs during flowering 

Exhaust fan - 3200m3\h

Intake fan - 2000m3\4

AC - 12000BTU

CO2 tank with regulator connected to SGC

Dehumidifier(industrial grade) - 70l\h

Oscillating fans - 4 constantly on(via smart SGC socket) 

Could you please send a screenshot with an example of how to set up a room according to my needs please? I am using external controller for exhaust fan to control intensity(if I plug it directly, motor makes noise when power is below 100 even at 99% making it worse if I go lower). How do I control intake fan intensity?

I need to turn the pump switch on if humidity drops below set point and vice versa. Dehumidifier should start when humidity raises above set point as well to prevent mold buildup. 

A\C is constantly keeping 17-18 C around the tent inside sealed room.

CO2 tank is mystery for me how to set up correctly - big thanks for screenshot or tutorial. 

I've seen that software used in tutorials is 2.1.X - can you please upload it so we can use it as well please?

I was thinking to use it to start the room and now it is on idle due to failed date, co2 and fans control setup. There is no way I can enter power for each of fans, normally intake is smaller - which ratio have you put in the code?



Alain Gressly
Activé 16/12/2021 07:57


Upgrade the software to V 1.2.0 some issues like the time zone and the sensor calibration bugs are already solved. Also some improvements with the WIFI connection has been made. The current PC (Beaglebone) has no WIFI on board, to start/stop the services over the USB takes long time. This problem we can solve only replacing the PC, it is under development.

The Temperature sensor SG10 the accuracy is fine. On the SG12 Humidity sensors the Temperature is +/-1.5C . This temperature is not mean as temperature sensor it is used to calculate the relative Humidity. Also here some improvements have been done we expect new sensors for the SGC in Spring/Summer 2022.

About some other issues we take them in consideration and will constantly keeping improving and adding new functions. I thank you for this inputs.

  • Signaler

I can't, I can only connect using wi-fi direct connection and when I check for updates it says up to date, how do I manually update it if I can't connect the box to the internet?

Ivanovich le 16/01/2022 21:26

Hi Ivanovich. Tomorrow morning I will send You a link and instruction how to make it, by email In newer versions will be possible directly from web interface.

G-Systems Engineering Ltd., Evgeni Velikov le 17/01/2022 09:29

Thank you! Much appreciated. Going to do real life test tomorrow as well.

Ivanovich le 17/01/2022 09:30

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Posée: 15/12/2021 11:11
Vu: 4788 fois
Dernière mise à jour: 30/01/2022 18:00