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SGC really slow
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il 11/09/22, 21:07 • 5.313 visualizzazioni
Hi im using right now the SCG like 5 weeks.
i like the overall concept, which convinced me to buy this product.
However, I must say I am disappointed why the whole thing partly reminds me of my first computer in 1997. Its really slow since first day...
So when I'm connected to the Wifi (hotspot), sometimes the dashboard does not load at all or I really have to wait for minutes that something happens ...
Sometimes you just want to quickly check the humidity or temperature history, believe me it takes sometimes me up to 30 minutes to see the results.
that really stresses me out, at a price policy that should not happen.
I am really desperate and do not know what to do.
Does anyone have similar problems?
Thank you.
Yes the connection with the WIFI is a slow procedure you need to be patience, it can take up to 2 min.
The current single board computer is 15 years old and slow.
Now we have no support because we lost our programmer during the crises and we still haven't recovered since 2022.
A new version (very fast one) has been finished and abandoned during the Processor short cut of the Raspberry PI3b.
I'm in a uncomfortable situation without support. My tip is just make it slow and give time to the computer. In general we are facing good results once it is set up and working. (Never touch a running system).
In case you need help pls contact me directly alain.gressly@g-systems.eu
Im trying to help a friend here to accelerate the software by upgrading from a beagle bone black to a raspberry pi 3b, 4 or 5...
He told me he likes a lot the flexibility of the software but he can't wait so long every time he changes a parameter.
I am aware how difficult is to develop and maintain a
hardware+software project, I think you and your tem have done a great
job Alain. Now is the moment to maintain it.
My friend has purchased more than 9 units.
Software Questions: Is the software directly compatible? Swapping SD cards and that's it? If not: Is there a guide for it?
Hardware Questions: The hardware interface of the beagle bone is 2x49 pins while raspberry is 1x40 pins, do you have an adaption board or a re-cabling guide/schematic please?
Various: Is there anything else that I should take into account? I read that the waiting time per sensor is around 0.3 seconds, is there an easy way to speed up the RS485 bus or read less often?
You can not compare a computer from 1997 with a 50€ single board computer (https://beagleboard.org/black) . If you would spend the same amount of money for a computer as you did 1997 this will be pretty fast in these days.
so how can i solve my problem now? i think it's not normal to wait always so long for the dashboard or for measurement histories.
im seriously have a laptop only for the controller which is directly close to the controller.
Should i make a video and upload for you? i show you how long its costes me to see the basic measurements from now...
i have invested over 1000 euro with all sensors etc. then i also expect accordingly that everything runs. little bit frustrating me.
O.k. Before you upload a video make sure the WIFI router is closer to the SGC, this is a typicality problem of the router is to fare away and the WIFI communication is to slow. I recommend less than 5m without any walls in between.
The measurement also depending on how much history you load, 1Year history takes 15-20seconds 1 Months about 2-3 seconds. Indeed this part from SD card is slow, we could much improve here with the new single board computer. Unfortunately we suffering from the availability because of the global processor short cut. For now we have to live with what we can get on the market. This is a difficult time with processors supply.
i use hotspot function, the controller is not connected to the internet or on any router...
it is clear if you want to look at a longer history that it can take but I'm talking about the current values in real time.
or a history of the last 3 days, that is not too much to ask.
I often read in the posts that you want to install new computers but what does that do for me now as a current user? Do I get a free update to the new one when the time comes, or why do you keep mentioning that in your posts.
I wish I had read through everything here before, I feel like such a beta tester for a product that is not even mature.
from you come no solution suggestions...
what about this 10 cent ali express wifi dongle can i replace with a better one? or would the great computer not recognize it?
Also the same question for the sd card which is also a cheap product.
so if I make the video where I then have to wait minimum of 7-8 minutes each time to see any values at all. i post then on my youtube channel freely viewable for everyone. would not be for you such a cool advertising...
im really frustrated..
I can not share this experience, clear the computer can stuck from time to time when it is busy with other process, 2seconds to get the dashboard 5 seconds to see humidity temperature light results of 30days. https://smartgrowcontroller.com/features you are free to post on your you tube channel but post also this link they can try and see them self...
Eventually a restart can help if the computer stick's to much.
1 sensor takes 300mS to read on 30 sensor you have to wait 10seconds, during this time the web service isn't working we have only 1 core doing all the jobs.
We pay 30x more for a WiFi dongle as you mention. Somehow I think you just buy a Dacia car expecting a Mercedes which costs 20x more. What do you think we are able to make a SGC get sold little more as 200€ to the wholesale incl Temp. Humidity sensor. The SD card is Class10 the best we can get on the market...
Now slow down don't click 10x behind just wait the computer to finish your last request. Young people are used to the latest generation Smartphone made from leading world tech companies paying 1000usd or more and then expect a SGC works the same way developed from 2 people?
If you feel like a tester find some software bugs (functions not working) you can report this we fix it. But you can not blaim us for a slow computer. As mentioned we have new version ready 10x faster 4 cores but there are no devices available on the market due global processor shortcut. (Raspberry-pi 3b).
Yes you get the free the update or full version software if you have bought this on the current version. No the hardware is totally new and different for a raspberry pi. We have added own processors only for the sensors which makes them 20x faster reading. The single-board computers I have ordered in 2021 are confirmed for August 2023...
look i'm a 37 year old man and a customer of your product. i'm looking for support here and you're dodging my questions and getting personal.
I have a clear expectation that something works when I spend a lot of money on it.
wait and see I let actions speak I make a video where I restart the thing and execute everything as you describe it.
then i want to see your given times.
I'm talking about minutes, that must be a hardware error.
your demo version online is a simulation, please do not sell us customers for stupid.
it's a great idea, a lot of things are well done, but one thing you have to work on is not to feel so attacked.
I apologize this was nothing personal just want to show the things how they are in real. For Example
-10 cent ali express wifi dongle ? -the sd card which is also a cheap product.-"your demo version online is a simulation"
These are unfounded claims that are simply not true from your side.
The demo version is exact the same product same computer as you have, it is the one we have made all the developments and tests until SW 1.2.0 running since 2014 only the SD card get changed for a bigger size one during this time.
To be able to help you we have to investigative the problem, I need from you a list with all the sensors you have connected, export me the database under tool Database. Send it to me (alain.gressly@g-systems.eu) I will check it.
The computer is according to the Technical data described on the website-shop
• Processor AM335x 1GHz ARM® Cortex-A8
Yes it is an older technology not so fast, something like the first I phone. That a relay don't switch so fast has also another reason, to make the RS485 Bus stable and secure we low down the speed, this allows a correct reading also when the bus is setup as a daisy-chain. Serial and parallel connections.
We have realized since 1 year SGC with
- Quad Core 1.2GHz Broadcom BCM2837 64bit CPU
This is really amazing fast but the problem there is we have ordered the boards (Raspberry-PI 3B) one year ago and last week they have confirmed the new delivery date for August 2023... Unfortunately they are not available due a global processor shortcut.
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Richiesta del: 11/09/22, 21:07 |
Vista: 5313 volte |
Ultimo aggiornamento: 04/10/24, 05:41 |