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Bug-fix: Light controller connected to 0-10V or PWM output
Version: Unspecified
Theme: Unspecified
il 21/05/21, 12:27 • 6.175 visualizzazioni
is few weeks I try light controller and now is working , but they don't work wit min dim and max dim by temperature,
only works 1 to 100%
I will check it. Could You write me what kind of settings You have and what Temperature is now and what you get it as a "speed" and what You expect to get.
I set up only sunrise and sunset and is ok but the other function not respond
DIM: min:26 max:30 room temp go to 31 and nothing happened on light
also Shutdown/Restart and Cool down nothing happened
the think I want is Dim function min and max dim can be very important.
Even with air cooler in summer is very hot to have 100% lights so if temp get too hot light controller dim light to reduce some heat from the room (like a Fan function min and max speed) to have more control on temp room.
Other function like : timer, set, sunrise and sunset works fine
Room issue on 1.1.8 is still not solved. I need more time and data to investigate the problem.
Issue with light controller and specially for EC fan is now fixed. And should work with Light Controller.
1.1.8 BETA is available now.
Hi, when i download the 1.1.8 i get 1.1.6 why? i still have the problem and i have few of my room i can't access so i need to delete ....
this is the message i get_
Installation of update file was successfully 1.1.6 with type LTS
Invalid Date : why always i have invalid date?
We are very sorry about that issue. Now we upgrade it to 1.1.8 and You can really download the 1.1.8 BETA. About update to 1.1.6 it was just wrong version. Very sorry about that.
If you use 0-10V so you can measure with a Voltmeter between ground and 0-10V
0% = 0V
50% = 5V
100% = 10V
Maybe the ballast works reverse, 0V = 100% and 10V = OFF or minimum? Could be done in this way if you don't have a light controller the ballast works on full load.
This would be a reason for us to offer a new function to invert the signal?
Thanks for the offer but i check on ballast web site and they work 0 to 10v .
Today i reconnect this light controller to SGC and look like now is ok is not not reverse, but when i use a voltmeter the read is less then 10v:
0% = 0v
50% = 4.92v
100% = 9.84v
Is this 0.16v they left from 9.84v make light work with less watt?
Ok i just try the wattage consumption and at 9.84v they use anyway a 100% the current watt
am happy is fix it , any problem i had with sgc i understand is something i make wrong because my knowledgement ... am sorry to say (hardware problem).
Ok now i need to ask you how to set up light controller on room because i try it, and i cannot find the way to make it work, when i set up and i put the sensor on auto , the sensor stay at 0% don't go up , now i go up manually but i want to make automatic
We will discuss this with our Engineers
Did you check in the TAB Rooms - Menu Sockets if your Exits are set to Automatic?
yes i check and in auto mode stay always at 0%
There is a Bug, we are working behind it....
Problem is solved about light controller. It will be included in next BETA update.
i already download the 1.1.7 beta version and try de controller but still not work in auto mode
i find also co2 controller some time get crazy they work only by co2 ppm other option doesn’t work and then the exhaust fan conected to co2 controller doesn’t work when is to hot or to humidity...is not good because i need the exhaust fan work sometimes during the day...( i try co2 start and fan start option but not work..)
why? bug?
I stil not be able to use my light controller , i downgrade to 1.1.6 because 1.1.7 works bad they block me some of my room and get crazy some times , any advice to how to solve it?
Hi lupus leps.
CO2 function is available only on BETA version is not 100% tested. Could You describe more what bugs did You found it.
Now we will see what is happening on the room on 1.1.7 BETA for can fix the problem. On 1.1.8 Light controller should work with EC fan.
I'm sorry for delay the 1.1.8 should be ready till end of the week. Need little bit time for testing the update file only. And see Room problem.
Hi Evgeni,
i was on 1.1.7 and i downgrade to 1.1.6 and now co2 works but only with ppm ... the other functions not works like co2 start and fan start, and then when i put a fan after a co2 controller some times don't work i can see on socket history, so last day i just delete a room and re create with same function and work ...
other day with 1.1.7 version i try differential cooling and the day after the rooms with new function was blocked , so only solution i find delete and re create the room , i also find other but i forget next time i will write in my note and i will tell if i find somethingh !
Ok about light controller i will wait for 1.1.8 thanks alote .
Hi, when i download the 1.1.8 i get 1.1.6 why? i still have the problem and i have few of my room i can't access so i need to delete ....
this is the message i get_
Installation of update file was successfully 1.1.6 with type LTS
Invalid Date : why always i have invalid date?
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Richiesta del: 21/05/21, 12:27 |
Vista: 6175 volte |
Ultimo aggiornamento: 07/07/21, 08:39 |
Any advice??? i need to solve it asap, i think here there is a hardware problem so what i can do??
there is any warranty for light controller? i never use it, just plug last week and not work !