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Off Fall Delay vs On Pull Delay
Version: 1.2
Theme: Functions Programming the SGC
на 1.08.23 г., 7:41 ч. • 1,559 разглеждания
I want the AC to be On for a minimum of 3 minutes any time that has to be on, in order to avoid constants on/off.
The configuration I have tried, that unfortunately it is not working, is as :
My first doubt is:
Should be Off Fall Delay or Off Pull Delay?
And the Relay Behaviour... What's is the difference between Solid vs Pulse, which one should be used and when?
Thanks in advance
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Зададен: 1.08.23 г., 7:41 ч. |
Видян: 1559 времена |
Последно актуализирано: 1.08.23 г., 7:41 ч. |