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light sensor threshold missing
Version: Unspecified
Theme: Unspecified
am 18.05.21, 18:20 • 2.346 Ansichten
it could be useful instead to use timer everywhere and changing always at every place, to have like on a 16A controller a light threshold who defines the day/night cycle using the light sensor.
the toolbox could have a light sensor input on the right and a 0/1 output on the left. inside the box a percentage bar defines where to put the threshold between the day and night.
so we could define only one timer for the light switch and then use the light sensor everywhere.
just to be careful that with a "not" function we can create a infinite toggling loop between light sensor as input and light switching as output
thank you
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Fragestellung: 18.05.21, 18:20 |
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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 18.05.21, 18:20 |