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Il 21/10/22, 20:15

Thanks Alain,

if i had a little more info on the sensor i could also use it for the units standard thermostat. Which would be nice. Id need the resistance values for the following temperatures though: 15, 20, 25 and 30 degrees Celsius. Do you have that information by any chance? Thanks! 

  • Segnala


We use digital sensor Type DS18B20, a Interface converts it in a BUS RS485 signal readable for the single board computer. There isn't any resistance from our side.

Measures temperatures from -55°C to +125°C. https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/58557/DALLAS/DS18B20.html

G-Systems Engineering Ltd., Alain Gressly il 22/10/22, 07:24

Alain Gressly
Il 03/10/22, 06:28


You can use https://smartgrowcontroller.com/shop/product/sg10-sgc-temperature-sensor-1433
There is no need to cover except against mechanical. Pleace the sensor where you wish to undertake the measurement.




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Richiesta del: 01/10/22, 17:30
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Ultimo aggiornamento: 21/10/22, 20:15