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Roy Decker
En 19/12/22 6:03

I know, but i seach the logocal connection in SGC for this. Is it right, that i have to use the "NOR" connect between Heating, Humidifing and Ventilation?


  • Marcar

Logic gates work with I/O signals (red point on the function) only.

(In future version there will be a logic gate which you can start/stop or set a variable signal through a I/O signal. This is done but due a global leakage of single board computers not deployed yet)

G-Systems Engineering Ltd., Alain Gressly de 19/12/22 6:10

I have createt a Room called "Zelt" on your Demo SGC. Can you show me how i can set the "nand" function for example "Heating" to disable the Fanfuntion when heating is on?

Roy Decker de 19/12/22 6:19

Alain Gressly
En 17/12/22 15:59


There is to play with the temperature, the fan should be higher as the heater... If the humidity works and you use a heater it actually dries the room.

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Preguntado: 17/12/22 11:28
Visto: 3556 veces
Última actualización: 19/12/22 6:03